Benoit Technologies

5 Common Reasons Why Your Generator Fails to Start and How to Avoid Them

Why Your Generator Fails to Start

To ensure that essential equipment is powered effectively, generators must run smoothly and efficiently. An efficient UPS system is crucial for backup power in essential infrastructures. It is imperative to maintain and repair generators to prevent any potential power disruptions. Any power source outage can lead to a complete or partial shutdown of operations, emphasising […]

How Does a Transformer-Based UPS Differ from Transformerless UPS?

Selecting the right UPS system is essential for ensuring power availability for critical loads in any industry. From industrial automation to medical equipment, such as CT, MRI, Cath labs, or X-Ray, UPS is a necessary component of the critical power infrastructure. Additionally, it is a mainstay of Information Technology systems, providing backup and quality power […]

The 5 Most Common Causes of UPS Failure

Common Causes of UPS Failures

Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) are an essential piece of equipment for businesses, ensuring that sensitive equipment and processes continue to run smoothly during power failures. However, like all equipment, UPS systems can fail, and it’s essential to understand the most common causes of UPS failure to prevent them from happening. In this blog, we will […]

A Guide to Selecting the Best UPS Supplier in Dubai

Choosing the right UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) supplier in Dubai can be a daunting task, especially with the many options available in the market. However, with the right information and a little research, you can make an informed decision that will ensure your business runs smoothly and uninterrupted. In this blog, we will be sharing […]

Importance Of Resilient UPS System

A UPS system is primarily used as a reliable power source in the case of a major loss of utility power. Usually, above a particular level, the UPS will work with a diesel generator on standby. If the standby generator becomes operational, it would not only assume control from the system but also maintain the […]

Important Things To Know About Solar Water Heaters

Important Things To Know About Solar Water Heaters Using solar water heaters can save your business or house considerable money and can aid in reducing local emissions that bring about air pollution. It requires a higher upfront cost for the water heating system and its installation but can save much of the cost related to […]

Benefits of Assistance in Power and Data Center Planning

Data Center Services includes all the services and the facility-related components that support the implementation, operation, enhancement, and maintenance of the data center. The function of a data center is to provide processing, storage, management, networking, and the appropriate distribution of data within an enterprise. When there is a need to maintain and operate your […]

How to Choose the Best Voltage Stabilizers in 2024


A voltage stabilizer is an essential device used to regulate and maintain a constant voltage level in an electrical supply system. By using a combination of transformers and electronic components, a voltage stabilizer ensures that the output voltage remains steady despite fluctuations in the input power supply. This stability is crucial for protecting sensitive equipment […]

How energy efficient is solar water heater than an electric water heater?

solar water heater

A basic Solar Water Heater in UAE is composed of solar collectors (plates) and thermal reservoir (Boiler). When the sun’s rays pass through the glass of the collector lid, they heat up the fins that are made of copper or aluminium and painted with a special dark paint that helps in the maximum absorption of […]

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