Benoit Technologies

Preventing Corrosion in Gas Pipelines: The Role of DC Rectifiers in Cathodic Protection

Gas pipelines are essential for modern energy which safely and efficiently transport natural gas over long distances. However, corrosion constantly threatens these important pipelines which potentially cause safety and environmental problems. To fight corrosion, cathodic protection is used as a defense. DC rectifiers are crucial for making cathodic protection work effectively. Continue reading to know the role of DC rectifiers in cathodic protection and in preventing corrosion in gas pipelines.

What is Cathodic Protection?

Cathodic protection is a way used in many industries to stop metallic systems like pipelines, tanks, steel-pier piles, and offshore oil platforms from rusting. This method uses a low electric current to prevent corrosion. It helps protect pipelines, storage tank bottoms, plant piping, and other buried or submerged steel structures.

One of the main worries for operators of these assets is making them last longer. Since corrosion often makes these assets to fail early, installing and testing cathodic protection systems regularly is a common solution.

Cathodic protection systems were used for many years in diverse civil and industrial applications to get rid of corrosion. These structures are normally installed in the course of the original construction, fundamental expansions, or upgrades of the systems.

The Danger of Corrosion:

Corrosion in gas pipelines is an extreme hassle, but no longer simply an annoyance. Different varieties of corrosion like galvanic corrosion and microbiologically inspired corrosion (MIC) can weaken pipelines along with environmental elements. This will cause leaks, breaks, and expensive repairs. Corrosion can also lead to dangerous failures that risk lives and damage the environment thus preventing it is very important.

Opt for DC Rectifiers:

DC rectifiers are essential parts of cathodic protection systems. They provide the power needed to protect pipelines. By changing alternating current (AC) from the power grid into direct current (DC), these devices ensure a steady flow of electrons to prevent corrosion.

Supplies Protective Current:

The main job of DC rectifiers is to supply the right amount of protective current to the pipeline. This current stops corrosive reactions at weak spots on the pipeline’s surface which prevent corrosion and make the pipeline last longer.

Monitors and Controls:

Modern DC rectifiers have advanced features that let operators precisely control the protective current for pipelines. They offer real-time data monitoring, remote access, and automatic adjustments to ensure the system works well and efficiently even in changing conditions.

Kinds of DC Rectifiers:

There are two common kinds of rectifiers used in cathodic protection systems which might be inspired modern-day rectifiers and solar-powered rectifiers. Impressed modern rectifiers are suitable for high-current programs and lengthy pipelines, while solar-powered rectifiers are a sustainable and cost-effective choice for off-grid or remote places.

Maintenance and Installation:

Proper installation and regular maintenance of DC rectifiers are crucial for the longevity and reliability of cathodic protection systems. Calibration checks, routine inspections, and preventive maintenance help spot and fix problems early by protecting pipeline assets and reducing risks.

Regulatory Compliance:

Following industry standards and regulations is essential for cathodic protection. DC rectifiers must meet relevant codes and standards to ensure the safety and integrity of gas pipelines. Regular inspections and audits check their performance and compliance.

Design Considerations

A cathodic protection system is designed according to rules set by the regulatory and the pipeline industry. It considers:

A cathodic protection system is planned based on:

  • The length of the pipeline needs protection.
  • The thickness of the pipeline coating.
  • The type of soil (like sand, clay, or loam) and how corrosive it is.
  • How easily electrical current passes through the soil.
  • The characteristics of the water table.
  • How close the pipeline runs to other buried pipelines and high-voltage electric lines.

These factors help decide how much current is needed and the voltage required to get that current. The system is then planned, made, and looked after to ensure the right amount of electrical current flows through it to protect the steel pipeline from corrosion.

What are the Components of a Cathodic Protection?

  • Anode ground beds
  • Rectifiers
  • Test leads
  • Conductive material

Cathodic protection makes use of a device known as a rectifier to change Alternating Current (AC) strength into Direct Current (DC). AC power is what you use in your house and is carried through power traces across North America. DC power is what batteries like those in cars or flashlights use. In cathodic protection, one side of the rectifier is attached to the pipe and the alternative side to metallic rods referred to as anodes.

The rectifier is usually placed near existing power lines. Anodes are buried in groups along the pipeline in places called ground beds. These beds are filled with a special material that helps conduct electricity. When the electric current flows from the pipeline, through the rectifier, and to the anode bed, the metal of the exposed pipe is protected from corrosion.

The distance between rectifier units depends on how much current the system needs, which is determined by the type of soil. People try to put the equipment close to other facilities like pumping stations or valve sites.

To check how well the cathodic protection system is working, test leads are used. These are monitoring points that measure the voltage levels of the protection. They are connected to the pipeline every two to three kilometers (about one to two miles). Usually, they are placed at public road and railroad crossings as well as at places where the pipeline crosses other pipelines.


Pipelines and storage tanks depend on costly coatings, isolation joints, and cathodic protection systems to minimize corrosion by separating them electrochemically from the ground. However, to protect these structures from damage and danger caused by AC interference and lightning, they need special grounding systems. To balance these needs, DC rectifiers are commonly used. These are placed in electrical connections between protected pipelines and the ground. They both isolate the pipeline from DC currents and connect it to the ground for AC and lightning protection.

Benoit Technologies, the best DC rectifier supplier offer you the right solution for your gas pipeline-related problems. We are known for offering high-quality and reliable services for Cooling Systems and Power Solutions. We enhance knowledge and improve the efficiency of people and organizations with our IT and Power solutions.

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